Kjersti Webb Kjersti Webb

Hey Google, I'm coming for you!

So here we go! Can I find the questions, SO THAT GOOGLE will send people to my page and I can do the work I was put on this earth to do?

I say -BRING IT!!!!!


When I first started out in my young twenties I was lucky enough to be mentored by an incredible woman. She taught me many life lessons I still practice till this day

  1. Laugh at yourself and your mistakes. We all make them. We’ll keep making them. So they can either thwart you or you can laugh at your silly humanity that keeps making the same mistakes – and convincing itself that you'll somehow never do it again.

  2. I was panicked in small talk situations. She gave me the advice to: DON’T talk about yourself. Ask questions that cannot be answered by yes or no. 

Which brings me to where I find myself today. Here I am again, a lost human, an artist trying to figure out where I went wrong. Did I miss that very crucial piece of information in school where they taught SUCCESS?

Turns out I did. I’m still living under the assumption that the internet likes successes that are ruled by word hits. Turns out everyone – other than me – knows that Google got smarter… BUT NOT FOR LONG!!!! I’m coming for you Google.

Turns out she (Google) likes a good answer. 

So full circle. I hear my mentor laughing at the irony: I need to ask questions… stop talking about myself. Find the question that needs to be answered……

So here we go!

Can I find the questions of the world, that will also allow the work I want to put out into the world, create the community I always envisioned (that is before community was traded for everyone staring at their screens) in the middle of nowhere in the woods in Sweden (where everyone thinks they're social and inclusive, but no one has time, energy or money to change their own world to adjust it enough to bring in anyone new). Where comfort is ”a right”……..

So that Google will send people to my page and I can do the work I was put on this earth to do?

I say – BRING IT!!!!!

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