What We’ve Done

… & What They’re Saying

I have been practicing plaintiff’s personal injury trial work for almost 40 years, and I found the methods demonstrated by APT to be very innovative and practical. Their techniques can help lawyers reclaim courtroom presence and hold juries’ attention. This training would have been valuable in my early career
— Mary Golder, Webb, Stokes & Sparks

Applied Performance Training

Austin, TX

Unifying a jury panel and the jury is crucial in my trials. APT’s training and techniques helped me get in touch with that goal and helped me better understand and embody concepts that I intuitively employ in a jury trial. Highly recommend the program.
— Baily Law Firm
This session is about being aware of how your body is moving, being aware of what other people’s body language is and the tools to acknowledge how energy is being transferred in a group.
— Jocelyn Garcia, Bailey Law Firm
I learned how to be confident with being uncomfortable.
Used the performing arts to help improve my skills as an attorney. Gained insight into aspects of my practice that I rarely get to consider.
I hope to put what I learned to good use soon.
— Bruce Beach, Beach, Winckler, and Harvey Law Firm

Global Peace Exchange


I came to better understand cultural violence and the individuals who are impacted by the long history of such violence and misunderstanding. I learned about my own trauma and how to allow others to help me, love me, hug me, and give me advice. I listened. I heard.
— GPE Participant
I learned that individual and community failings and problems are often misattributed to “outer circumstances”. But by focusing our attention inwardly we enable authentic conversations about sustainable solutions.
— GPE Participant
I recognized a big change on the inside that changed my perspective
— GPE Participant
“I gained a lot of new friends from all over and learned how easy it is to connect. Thanks to how these exercises are carried out, I am more open and hopeful.”
— Global Peace Exchange Participant
The support has been tremendous and most appreciated. I can pass along this love and support in my words, actions, and speech to others in my family, circle of friends, and community
— Global Peace Exchange Participant

IofC Youth Conference

Gweru, Zimbabwe

I like attending IofC conferences because they allow us to have quiet time and storytelling, this makes you relaxed,
refreshed and look back on your past behavior and your progress.
— Inzwai Murove, Midlands University Student
Storytelling creates a deep connection
between every individual in the group. I also challenged myself to bring change to my community.
— IofC Youth Conference Participant
Innovative, refreshing, and inspiring
— "Stage Presence for Attorney's" Participant

Everything Theatre Company /

Theatre 13

“…a fearless, physical performance… made the audience laugh over and over again…”

— Mark Collins, Boulder Daily Camera

“Webb plays her clown like a virtuoso of physical comedy. She knows Olive in a way that most of us can only hope to ever know ourselves.”
— Audience Member, Once Upon a Time: The End

Creative Caregivers & Teachers

Mumbai, India

Mumbai, India

We started by looking at how to integrate but ended up looking deeper into ourselves. It’s easy to look outside and see the issues out there, but it’s more about me and how I relate to everybody around me. There are connections between our differences and our similarities.
— Lika Olika Participant
“It’s infinitely more interesting to connect deeply with someone else rather than talking about the weather, music, and food!”
— Embodied Leadership Participant
“I feel completely different and fulfilled every time I leave. I feel like I’m part of society again. I feel seen.”
— Lika Olika Participant

Hopp i Järva

Trustbuilding & Community building

International Peacebuilder’s Forum

Caux, Switzerland

“Thanks to the efforts of the organizers, facilitators and everyone at the International Peacebuilder’s Forum. In a very short time it was possible to create an atmosphere of security, trust and acceptance. I got the inspiration and confidence that human wisdom and humanism are stronger than destructive actions, that the open heart of just one person can be a healing agent for many others.”
— Olga Datsko, Psychologist, Mediator, Dialogues Facilitator.
“I gained a lot of new friends and people I can draw from in the future. I love that the perspectives represent lots of different cultures and countries”
— IPF Participant

Lika Oli ka (Same Difference)

Integration & Trustbuilding Programs, Sweden/Germany

The professionalism of this newly formed theatre company has blossomed into its adolescence and is swiftly reaching adulthood.
— The Colorado Daily
“I know a lot of people who don’t want to connect with others because of language, but in these workshops we saw that you can actually be in the same room together without speaking the same language and we can laugh and get to know each other beyond the language.”
— Lika Olika participant
“It’s helped my social phobia a lot. After our group warm-ups, when we have seen and heard everyone (including being seen and heard myself), I realized I don’t mind being pushed outside my comfort zone.”
— Lika Olika Paricipant
It was incredibly relevant to see the reaction of how close I like to be to other people and the uncomfortable feeling when someone else is too close. This comes up in everyday life, it’s really important to be able to notice.”
— Lika Olika Participant

GPI - Global Peacebuilder’s Institute

Falun, Sweden

”A touching and powerful experience”
— The Colorado Daily
“…sharp and remarkably focused, especially for a play that had so many different characters and interweaving scenes, and that called for so much precision in the delivery of its dialogue… the two actresses performed their parts in such an artful, humorous way…”
— The Daily Camera
”Theatre 13 growth hints at Boulder stage renaissance.”
— Boulder Daily Camera

Online- Participating countries; India, Bulgaria, Finland, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Kenya, UK, Denmark, Sweden

Leading Change for a Sustainable World

“All of the tools I learned during the course I wiil apply in the trainings that I deliver in Grampari.”
— Vishal- Grampari, India
The course was truly transformative.
— Zheniya, Bulgaria, Intiave of Land, Lives and Peace),

Embodied Leadership Training

Sweden & Germany

“After an intensive workweek I really didn’t want to do anything, but strangely I feel more rested than if I had stayed home watching TV, even though it was quite intense.”
— Embodied Leadership Participant
“I consider myself someone who is open to everyone, but this workshop gave me such deep insight into things I didn’t see about my privilege and how important it is to listen.”
— Lika Olika Participant